Andy Hornby

Founder & Team Leader

Andy Co-founded the group in 2013. Did nothing with the website for nearly 10 years and then stumbled upon the idea of having a large local group of busters, all getting together and fundraising.

Then one day, the Haslab Spengler pack arrived and everything sort of stepped up a bit. Andy started making videos for YouTube, and people started watching and joining the facebook group.

Things picked up quick!

I didn't waste any time!

I quickly grew the facebook following and decided to put on a big fundraiser, at the beginniing of 2023. But just weeks before the event, the venue backed out. So I had just 3 weeks to put together an event at Port Solent. It did happen and it was incredable.

After the success of that event, I decided to do an even bigger one, in 2024, On the anniversary of the original film. This was to be called MASS HYSTERIA.

Wanting to take the group to even bigger heights, I decided to allow the members to be hired for events such as Weddings and Corporate & Birthday parties. This will introduce a funding which will allow the group to grow and buy props for our stall for when we do things like conventions.

We have already been invited to Southampton ComicCon in April of 2024. This will be our first of many and I am is super excited to see where the group will go.